29 Sep Rev. Jon Hauerwas
Jon was born in Alabama and raised in South Carolina, where he graduated magna cum laude from the University of South Carolina. During Jon’s college career, he studied History, was received into membership of Phi Beta Kappa and served as Moderator of USC’s Presbyterian Student Association. Following graduation from college, Jon served for a year as an International Young Adult Volunteer commissioned by the Presbyterian Church (USA), when he met his wife, Kara. His service in Edinburgh, Scotland included work as an assistant project manager at Bethany House, an emergency, short-term Christian-based homeless hostel.
Following this overseas experience, Jon attended Princeton Theological Seminary, in New Jersey, where he graduated with a Master of Divinity degree. He also completed Clinical Pastoral Education at New York-Presbyterian Hospital: The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell in Manhattan.
Jon’s first call to ordained ministry was as an Associate Pastor of Mission at Worthington Presbyterian Church in Worthington, Ohio. In time, he also provided pastoral leadership to Presbyterian Campus Ministry at The Ohio State University. Jon’s second call was as Pastor at Saint James Presbyterian Church in Bellingham, Washington. His third call was as Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Akron, Ohio.
Jon is currently working toward the completion of the Doctor of Ministry degree with a focus in Church and Ministry at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Jon is married to Kara. Together, Jon and Kara have two sons named Liam and Nathan, and two dogs named Tate and Apple.
Mary E, Yeomans
Posted at 14:57h, 01 OctoberWelcome to Skidaway community church. We will be so happy to have your children. God has answered our prayers. ToGod be The Glory. Mary Yeomans
Lee Haynsworth Forbes
Posted at 13:23h, 09 NovemberWe welcome you and your family to our island paradise church. This is a glorious place to raise children and experience the beauty of nature in a peaceful environment. We have been in residence thirty-five years, raised our children and now have grandchildren enjoying their lives here, just minutes from us.
This is a loving and generous church family of Christians.
Thank you for choosing us, too!
Lee Haynsworth Forbes